- Useful to parents and students when scheduling after school activities
- can be used in cases of emergency, students can call directly rather than waiting in line to use the school phone
- useful in the classroom older students can use their cell phones to conduct phone interviews during their class time. Most phones have internet capabilities and as such students can do research especially in a classroom where their is limited computers.
- Most cell phones are also equipped with calculators and have memories large enough to hold books.
- Useful as a teaching tool to communicate with students. Through Texting, tweeting, bbm messaging and WhatsApp messages the teacher can send reminders and letting them ask questions and send responses to questions using the cell phone. The speed and convenience of this method is welcomed by most students and aids in the teaching and learning process.
- Students can quickly do research on a topic while sitting anywhere. The access to immediate information is a very valuable educational tool.
- It allows us to teach students digital responsibility and citizenship.
- Can be used to video tape lessons or activities for presentation in class.
- Since most students already own a cellphone, this can eliminate the strain on the limited computers in the labs. Students can use their cellphones to do research on various topics across the curricula.
- With use of apps such as google calendar students can keep track of assignments, due dates since these apps can give them a reminders
- With cellphones technology can be integrated in all subject area and all classrooms without additional financial strain on schools to provide ICT tools for students
- they are distracting to the students
- because they are so small, its not easy for a teacher to see exactly what the student is doing, they could be texting or playing games when they should be researching
- cheating, taking and passing on inappropriate photos.
- Cell phones can inspire destructive behaviour. There is a new phonomenon called "sexting" where explicit photos and text messages sent around using the cell phone is on the rise and many students are becoming engaged in this behaviour.
- Fueling the rumor mill: texting messages can spread through students much faster, oftentimes setting off unnecessary and unfounded rumors and fears.
- If not guided students can inappropriately use cellphones
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