Sunday 1 December 2013

Module 8 - Activity 8 - E-Safety Policies and Managing Social Networking

A school's e-safety policy should include1. clear guideline on what is acceptable2. how to deal with cyberbullying 3. what information that should not be posted online and how to protect personal information4. to respect themselves and others online5. netiquette rules6 procedures for reporting unacceptable behaviour or information found online7. copyright rules
8. student and teacher interaction
9. use of mobile devices
10 role of parents and teachers
The most effective procedure to ensure e-safety explain the ICT policy and rules with the students and modelling of acceptable behaviours by the teachers.

The 5 most important considerations for a teacher requiring students to use social networks in the learning environment

1. survey the students about social media - find out from the students which social media they use and the ones the would like to see used in their learning environment.

2. Ensure that the students are comfortable with the social media being integrated in the lessons

3. utilize groups and communities where students and interact with each other and post content and ask questions.

4. Keep communication with students in the group, website or page designated to the class

5. establish clear communication boundaries

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