Saturday, 13 April 2013

Module 9 Activity 4 -Whole school conditions for ICT integration

With ICT integration learners will be more responsible for their learning. The learning process will now be authentic and learner centred. The teacher is no longer the provider of all information but will now facilitate and guide as their students build on their knowledge. There will be some resistance from those who are not willing to change, that don’t see the need to change and from those who are afraid to change. The vision of integrating ICT in schools cannot be achieved without collaboration among stakeholder. Stakeholders should be a team and every stakeholder should be able to communicate their ideas, suggestions, fears and solutions throughout the integration process. Only with this teamwork will the integration process be successful. School leadership is very important to the integration process. The leader must have the vision and be willing and able to share this vision to the members of his/her team. The leader has to bring all stakeholders together to share, experiment, implement, reflect and communicate to achieve the vision. The leader should also be open to new ideas, be willing and open to learning skills and processes and creating an environment where his staff is given the opportunity to do the same.

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