CCTI Graduation

On March 24th, 2014,  twenty-four Educators from Antigua and Barbuda will officially complete their two year journey of Commonwealth Certificate for Teachers' ICT Integration Course.  Watch the Graduation Ceremony Live.


  1. Congratulations! A huge achievement.

  2. It's wonderful to be here watching you all graduate live. Thank you for inviting us in.

  3. A very nice ceremony. Wish I could attend it to. Congratulations to all the graduandi, the mentors and the administrators.

    I want to congratulate each and everyone here today that you have taken a lot of your own time to learn more about ICT and how you can make teaching and learning more relevant and exciting for the learners. It took a lot of time and effort – I acknowledge that – and you have succeed.

    I see three keys today – key success factors. The first key success factor is that you have a strong team who believe that it can happen and do something to make it happen. Secondly, that you have a strong vision and thirdly, a sound plan to realise the vision. But most importantly, you invest, not only in books and computers, but also in people. People are our most valuable asset.

    All the best with the way forward. Be creative, be brave - be a teacher.

  4. Congratulations! You have made it.

  5. Congratulations on your graduation to all my colleagues and me :-)

    Graduation is a time for celebration. A time for looking back at lessons learned, adventures shared, bright moments filled with special meaning.

    Graduation is a time of new beginning. A time for looking forward, a time for setting new goals, to dream new dreams, to try your wings and see what lies beyond.

    We have the tools which will lead to new ways of teaching. Let’s continue to use them to enhance the teaching/learning experiences and inspire those in our schools and in the island to do the same.

  6. Congratulation to one and all. We did it and now it is time to enjoy the fruits of our labour, which is more work. Let us all live up to our name ICT CHAMPIONS. We are now on another journey to pass on our knowledge to our colleagues. So at your mark and lets go.

    We collaborated well lets keep it going. I am always willing to assist were I can.

    Congrats again.

  7. "The heights of great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight;
    But they, while their companions slept were toiling upwards in the night."
    ICT Champions- The epitomy of endurance and diligence; with the capacity to surmount great challenges even when quitting stared us eye ball to eye ball; and dared us to give up. The capacity we never thought we had, God showed us that we could make it; and He placed great people around us to show us that we could. We stayed the course and we have finished with joy. Congratulations Champions!!!!!

  8. An excellent celebration. Congrats to all!

  9. Congratulations to all of us, We made it!
