Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Module 1 - Activity 2

The readings only help to reinforce what already know as an important factor when teaching our students.  This is that more focus should be paid on letting our students  identify  what learning tactics works best for them and encourage them to use it.  I can't say enough how important it is for educators to take the time to know their students it is the best way to meet them were they are and assist them to achieve their goals.  


  1. While I agree with you that we should let students identify that learning tactics works best for them. With a class of 35 students of who possess varying ways of learning how do you think that the teacher would be able to reach all of them during a 70 minute class session? Don't you think some may fall by the wayside and if so how should that teacher deal with it in order to engage in the practice of helping them all to achieve their goals?

    1. This could be done in series of lesson not necessary in the very first class. With the use of a simple questionnaire can give the teacher an idea of the student's preferred learning style. http://www.vark-learn.com/english/page.asp?p=questionnaire It would also be good to using varying styles when presenting our lessons to capture the various learning styles of our students. We need to reduce the number that fall by the wayside.
